So, breakfast sorted, showered n shaved and ready to roll, we went for a wander round Portree, we wanted to get some food for the week in the cottage on lewis so needed to scope out the shopping projects for the morning. We did a loop of the town, it's not huge, checked out the charity shops and chatted about a plan for the rest of the day.
It was a very hazy day, the sun shone brightly but through this haze of cloud and that allowed for a halo to form around the sun.

Sun halo over Portree
The halo looked great over the Portree Independent Hostel, a bright yellow building.

Halo over the hostel
So the plan was to head to the Fairy Glen, it's up near the ferry terminal anyway so allowed us to check the journey time etc. and it was a beautiful day. Every time I see images of these places, they are mobbed so I hoped it would be quiet at this time of year.
We headed North up the island and in around 20 minutes reached Uig and eventually found the wee road to the glen. I'm glad it's not greatly sign-posted, it gets busy enough as it is but today, around four cars!!!!! WooHoo.

Parking at the Fairy Glen
As you can see there's a decent car park at the glen now, maybe not big enough to cope with the Summer influx but sufficient for day to day visits. A major problem we're all having now is the number of people now holidaying in the UK and Scotland, not just the numbers but, their behaviour. Dumping litter everywhere, parking wherever they want and worse!
There were a couple of people here this day that seemed to have no awareness that others were trying to enjoy this space as well. Another common problem today sadly.
Just over the other side of that ridge is the Quiraing and Old Man of Storr.
The dod o' rock in the distance is known as Castle Ewen, it's not a castle, just a lump of rock that kind of looks like a ruined castle and, as you can see, people need to climb up there! :(

Castle Ewen - a rock

Is that Highlander up there?
There is definitely "something" about this place, especially when it's quiet, not many people around, it is a very, tranquil, peaceful area I'd love to explore further towards the ridge, another time maybe.

Halo again

The wee wummin in the glen
There were a few areas roped off for conservation of wild plants and so on, I'd like to think visitors will respect those?

The Fairy Glen

Down in the dip
After waiting patiently for the tourists to move on, we walked by them and carried on with our own walk and photos :)
We followed the path you see... ;)
We could see between the mounds another ridge with a couple of waterfalls on it..... another time maybe?

We rejoined and crossed the road that leads in, heading towards the "castle".
The entire area has a Hobbit look and feel, it would be great to spend at least a day in perfect light, exploring all the angles, nook and crannies.

The path up to the "castle"
I always try to remember to look back, up, down, all around when I'm out walking with a camera.

Looking back down to the road and pond

You can just see a couple of people walking on the track in the shot above, taken from half way up the path to the "castle"
On the left is a shot from the same position but looking up the path at the rocky crag known as Castle Ewen
Below shows the Tolkien like landscape all around this area.

Quiraing in the background
I absolutely loved the landscape beyond, there's a long ridge with slices out of it for the water to tumble down in waterfalls, one day we'll come back and explore further.

More exploring to be done

Looking up the path, there was someone standing near the top, alongside the crag and that gave a great sense of scale.
Once you reach the top of the path, there's a small valley just below the main crag itself and a rough path that leads up onto the top.
It's here that you can see the spiral on the ground where tourists insist on leaving rocks and the locals are constantly clearing up after them.

We were very lucky that this was quiet day, there was hardly anyone else there, I've read about the car park overflowing and people all over the place. :(

Wonder where he's from? ;)
The area up behind the rock is absolutely beautiful, especially when so empty and on a glorious day like this.

Panorama behind the rock
I could hear Ravens around and finally spotted a pair tumbling and playing in the distance, wish they'd done it a bit closer.

We walked a bit further back, away from the rock and the view was just amazing.

You can now see the row of houses in the distance, the rock just left of centre and the far ridge running across the right side. After a few moments just looking and enjoying the sunshine, we headed over to the right in that shot, following that green path you can see.

Down that little track on the left above towards the castle again.

From there the track led down the hillside and we could now see clearly across to the nearest waterfall, I guess we could have gone over there, the weather was perfect, if not a little bit chilly.

A final shot back towards the spiral and the "castle" before we headed down the hill towards the car park.

Panorama of the full ridge opposite
That area in the panorama above is screaming out to be walked and explored! We were now heading down a steepish hill towards the road which leads back to the car park.

The car park is just off centre, you can just see a black car going up the hill out of it. This is looking due North, the ferry terminal is below the mountain ridge in the bay.
You can just see an old stone wall at the bottom of the path, there are signs of buildings dotted around the area.

We took our time and wandered back on the road

This wee lochan or pond is the first one we came to from the car park, now the last one before we got back to the car and headed off elsewhere. We had been SO lucky with the weather, the light was wonderful and almost no-one else there! Our plan was now to head up around d the North of the Island, see what we see, before heading back to Portree and some dinner.