Wednesday January 3rd, we've driven by the flooded fields next to the river Isla a few times and every time I remark on the reflections and the swans on the water so, I took a drive down this morning, hoping that the mists would be lit up by morning sunlight. I got the mists part and the birds but, of course, they moved as far from me as possible :)

Panorama looking South-ish
The B954 Meigle to Alyth road floods every time there's heavy rain and it all tries to get to the Tay and the sea via the river Isla and at this point, it's all too much. It is normally low lying fields with the side road leading to the new sub-station at Hallyards but not this week, we've had some prolonged rains so that road is under water, for now.

The Hallyards road
As you can see, it was certainly misty enough and the sun never broke through as I'd hoped but it still makes for a pretty scene?

Pylons march out of the mist
I parked at the end of the Hallyards road, there was enough room next to the Closed sign and cones.

The flooded Hallyards road
The road leads off towards the houses in the shot above and I thought I'd maybe head round that way in an attempt to get closer to the birds, you can just see a few Whooper swans in the shots.

Whooper swans on the flood water
The Whoopers were a bit of a surprise to me, where did they come from and why here? There were also a few Mute swans along with several geese species.
The other side of the road is also flooded but no roads there.

Looking Westward from the road

Trees on the river bank
The river winds its way behind the trees above heading for the Tay further to the West.
I could hear geese over on the far side of the water but a couple of clocks flew overhead while I was there, looked like Pink-footed Geese but the Merlin app was telling there were Canada geese around too

Flock of Pink-footed geese

Pink-footed geese overhead
I jumped back in the car to drive the roundabout route to the other side, near the houses we saw in the photos above.

Looking back to the B954
Parking isn't a problem when a road is closed like this, I stopped when the cones and signs said so. The road heads back towards the B954, just above and to the right of the biggest fence post is where I was parked before. I could now see and probably get closer to the birds, over to my left in the shot above but, it started raining and the field edge was pretty boggy so, a few photos and I'm off home.

A gaggle of Goldeneye males

Mrs Goldeneye keeping her distance
You can see the road closed signs and cones in the shot of the Goldeneye female, that's where I had been parked initially.

Whooper swans

Whooper swans and gulls

Whoopers and geese
Look at that young swan watching the gull passing overhead.

A gaggle
I'm no bird expert but that looks like Canada, Greylag and maybe a couple of Pink-Footed geese mixed in with gulls?
So I never got the colourful misty shots I was looking for but I think the drive was still worth it and maybe I'll get back there on a better day.
Thursday January 4th, I dropped by this morning as I was passing through, slightly nicer weather but nothing to write home about ...... yet ;)

A Bank of Mute swans
The light was slightly better today and it didn't rain ..... while I was there :)

The water has definitely risen

A little colour in the sky